In Pure Nude Yoga, beautiful 26 year old Yogini Goddess Wenona gracefully moves through a series of nude yoga asanas in a serene Zen Garden setting.

"Pure Nude Yoga - Zen Garden Goddess" artfully explores the ancient practice of yoga without the confinement of clothing. In Pure Nude Yoga, beautiful 26 year old Yogini Goddess Wenona gracefully moves through a series of nude yoga asanas in a serene Zen Garden setting. Pure Nude Yoga- Zen Garden Goddess is easy to follow along, or simply use it to relax and meditate on beautiful natural yoga forms performed in a tranquil Zen Garden surroundings. Zen Garden Goddess Wenona is amazingly lithe and flexible, as she skillfully demonstrates a selection of classic nude yoga positions, starting from basic to more advanced. Just watching her is inspiring, illuminating and relaxing..

Video Features

Shot in high definition, "Pure Nude Yoga - Zen Garden Goddess" includes one hour of nude yoga, interspersed with calming Zen Garden interludes, zen koans, a meditational soundtrack, and sounds of relaxing natural environment sounds.

Video Producer

Mango Lotus

Discover and celebrate the naked beauty and simplicity that surrounds us!